AEW President Tony Khan is not the only one whose last name has been making the rounds in the wrestling industry lately. WWE CEO Nick Khan is in the spotlight as well. Due to their last name, some fans wondered if the two were related.
Tony Khan established AEW in 2019 and has become one of WWE's major competitors ever since WCW. The Jacksonville-based promotion managed to sign some of the biggest wrestling stars of the day and even defeated NXT in terms of their ratings when the two were still shown on the same night.
Nick Khan joined World Wrestling Entertainment in 2020, where he first functioned as Chief Revenue Officer and President. After Vince McMahon's initial retirement, he was made Co-CEO alongside Stephanie McMahon. After the youngest McMahon resigned from her position, Nick became the sole CEO of WWE.
Due to their current business ventures, similar roles, and the same last name, some fans wonder if Nick Khan is related to Tony Khan. The simple answer is no. the two Khans are not related in any way. In fact, the former hasn't even met the AEW owner but has met his father.
“I’ve never met the kid. Tony Khan seems like a nice kid to me. I don’t know him. I have met his dad [Shahid Khan] who randomly I sat next to at some sports business luncheon that Stephanie [McMahon] and I went to a year and a half or so ago. I thought the dad was as impressive as could be. I think there was a piece on him in the New York Times a year or so prior to that. A self-made billionaire, I believe Pakistani immigrant, could not be more impressed with him.”Is Nick Khan related to Tony Khan?: WWE CEO says he's not threatened with AEW
All Elite Wrestling's performance may not be as groundbreaking as the decade-long WWE company, but the 2019 company is certainly doing a good job of creating a name for itself.
Still, it looks like the WWE CEO is not fazed by AEW. When asked if Nick was threatened by their competitor, he answered no since he focuses on his own ventures.
"I don’t feel threatened by anyone on anything," Nick Khan said. "It’s just not how I do business. I don’t care what anyone else is doing. I care what we’re doing. And as long as we can have the best product on with the best talent and the best writers, I think we’re going to be in good shape."It remains to be seen if the two Khans will eventually cross paths in the future, especially with talks that Tony is interested in a potential sale of WWE.
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