Movies starring Spencer Treat Clark

Gladiator is the kind of movie upon which Hollywood once built its reputation but rarely produces anymore: the spectacle. Filled with larger-than-life characters, gorgeous scenery, impressive set design, and epic storytelling, Gladiator is design...

Gladiator Poster Gladiator

Gladiator is the kind of movie upon which Hollywood once built its reputation but rarely produces anymore: the spectacle. Filled with larger-than-life characters, gorgeous scenery, impressive set design, and epic storytelling, Gladiator is design...

Glass Poster Glass

The best element of M. Night Shyamalan’s 2017 horror film, Split – and one of the few things it did right – happened at the very end. The brief, surprising reveal of Bruce Willis reprising his David Dunn character from Unbreakable create...

Last House on the Left, The Poster Last House on the Left, The

In a graphic example of how creatively bankrupt Hollywood has become, it's no longer good enough merely to remake older films - now the studios have begun to remake remakes. 1972's The Last House on the Left, the first feature effort of Wes Craven...

