Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Best Greninja PvP movesets

Although Greninja cannot be used in Series 2 Ranked Battles, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Trainers can still use this frog for casual PvP bouts. This article will only focus on its Protean Ability rather than Battle Bond since players could only obtain the former via the 7-star Tera Raid and not the latter.

Although Greninja cannot be used in Series 2 Ranked Battles, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Trainers can still use this frog for casual PvP bouts. This article will only focus on its Protean Ability rather than Battle Bond since players could only obtain the former via the 7-star Tera Raid and not the latter.

This Water/Dark-type has been competitively excellent since its debut in Generation VI. It has stood the test of time quite well and is still phenomenal in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. The only downside here is that Protean was nerfed to only work once per switch-in.

How to build Greninja for PvP WiFi Battles in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Protean is its best Ability, and it's the one you get from the 7-star Tera Raid (Image via Game Freak)

There are several ways to build Greninja in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. The following moveset is for a Special Attacking set.

  • Ability: Protean
  • Nature: Timid
  • EVs: 252 Sp. Atk / 252 Speed / 4 Defense
  • IVs: 31 HP / 31 Attack / 31 Defense / 31 Sp. Atk / 31 Sp. Def / 31 Speed
  • Moves: Hydro Pump + Dark Pulse + Ice Beam + Grass Knot
  • Tera-Type: Water
  • Item: Choice Scarf or Choice Specs

Other potential Special Attacks to put in this build consist of the following:

  • Extrasensory
  • Water Shuriken
  • Surf
  • Tera Blast (although you should use a different Tera-Type if you choose this move)
Some players will find this Water/Dark-type to still be very good (Image via Game Freak)

However, one of Greninja's greatest boons is that it has several viable movesets to use. Here is another example with a different goal in mind:

  • Ability: Protean
  • Nature: Hasty or Naive
  • EVs: 252 Sp. Atk / 252 Speed / 4 Defense
  • IVs: 31 HP / 31 Attack / 31 Defense / 31 Sp. Atk / 31 Sp. Def / 31 Speed
  • Moves: Hydro Pump + Dark Pulse + U-Turn + Spikes
  • Tera-Type: Water
  • Item: Heavy-Duty Boots

You still hit hard with this build, it's just that you're not locked to one move and can use Spikes to support the team and become a Ground-type as well. You can opt to use Toxic Spikes instead of regular Spikes if you prefer that hazard instead.

The Mesagoza branch of Delibird Presents has plenty of good items for Greninja (Image via Game Freak)

Of course, Greninja has a workable Physical Attacking set you could use in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet:

  • Ability: Protean
  • Nature: Jolly
  • EVs: 252 Attack / 252 Speed / 4 Defense
  • IVs: 31 HP / 31 Attack / 31 Defense / 31 Sp. Atk / 31 Sp. Def / 31 Speed
  • Moves: Liquidation + Gunk Shot + Rock Slide + U-Turn
  • Tera-Type: Water
  • Item: Choice Scarf or Choice Band

Other physical moves of note include:

  • Ice Punch
  • Low Kick
  • Shadow Sneak (although you wouldn't need to use Choice Scarf)

Do note that you can replace any of the items in this Pokemon Scarlet and Violet guide with some other options. Here is a list of possible contenders, depending on your needs:

  • Focus Sash: For players who find Greninja too frail and can already remove hazards easily.
  • Life Orb: If you don't like switching out and want to change your moves.
  • Loaded Dice: Only for Water Shuriken sets.

Don't forget that Greninja also has a good movepool in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, with moves like Taunt, Substitute, and Switcheroo, with the first two working well in non-Choice sets.

Poll : Is Greninja your favorite Starter Pokemon?

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